Saving Energy All Year Round

Saving Energy All Year Round

Is your monthly energy bill increasing? Would you like to downgrade your energy consumption but don’t know where to start? For years now, authorities have been encouraging people to save energy. However, mass media’s standards and definition of comfortable living may get in the way of the goal to promote an environment-friendly lifestyle.

A 2014 study pointed out that an average U.S. household spends around $2,200 annually on energy bills–an amount that authorities hoped to be reduced to up to 25%. Leaving the lights on for an indefinite period of time, using incandescent bulbs, the mindless use of electronic plugs, browsing one’s refrigerator–these are just a few energy wasters that we often do out of habit.

We can still change these habits, reduce our bills, and contribute to our nation’s welfare. Here are energy and money-saving tips that you can practice at home all year round.

Do an Energy Audit.

There are two ways to make an energy audit. You have the option to hire a professional to make a thorough energy audit in your household. Three steps will take place in a thorough energy audit. First, the auditor will interview you, test your electric components, and inspect your electric meter, analyze your utility bills, and suggest improvements.

The analysis is meant to be a guide for qualified contractors, later on, to install whatever structures are needed to improve the home’s energy efficiency. It doesn’t stop from there. After an agreed period of time, the inspector will be back for the ‘test out’ or evaluate results for the energy audit changes.

There are also DIY energy updates that can be found on authorized websites. The guide contains instructions on how to determine which parts of the house are consuming lots of energy. It is expected that the household owner should make habit changes such as the installation of a home battery or an alternative energy source, plan weatherization projects, purchase materials, and make the necessary installation to improve energy consumption.

Weatherize Your Home to Improve Comfort and Savings.

Weatherizing your home generally takes place in the form of (A) air sealing projects, (B) insulation projects, and (C) Energy-efficient new constructions and additions.

Have you ever wondered why your air conditioner is not working properly? A new air conditioner is not a guarantee that it will work efficiently. Check your house for leaks, cracks that may cause air-conditioned air to escape. Calk, seal, and weatherstrip these areas and see an improvement in your heated and cooling bills.

Insulate your roofs, home interior, and walls to reduce heat flow using rolls and batts, blankets, fiberglass, rock wool, or recycled fiber. When a house is not properly insulated, it will immediately lose heat during the winter and easily get warm during the hot months, thus giving more work to an air conditioner.

Before building a new house, ensure that the structure follows the International Energy Codes Commission (IEC). You can ask your local building code office to guide the contractor properly.

Use Efficient Heating and Cooling Systems.

Heating and cooling systems make up 35%-40% of your total energy consumption. Thus, proper selection, maintenance, usage, and necessary upgrades are vital in achieving one’s desired overall energy consumption. Consider using smart and programmable thermostats. Avoid changing drastic temperature levels for eight hours a day. Also, go for thermostats with Energy Star certifications and enjoy perks and incentives that some HVAC companies offer. Smart thermostats are easy to use as they automatically turn off your set schedules.

Government-backed heating grants are now available and house owners can apply for it with the help of energy grants specialists. A central heating grant includes a smart thermostat and a boiler to be installed in your home.

Air ducts should be of ideal size. They should be properly sealed and insulated to avoid energy leaks. Consider changing home air conditioners if you have used them for 15 years and always need repairs.

Save Electricity at All Costs, And Invest in Renewable Sources of Energy.

In designing your home, make sure to give space for appliances that conserve electricity. Smart tools, appliances, and automated programs can help you regulate energy usage and make informed decisions using these appliances. Check your local area on which energy-saving electronic devices are available. Examples of these are smart meters and smart appliances, time-based electricity rates, and smart appliances with the EnergyGuide label.

Saving energy is a deliberate and conscious decision that should be practiced every day and included in your lifestyle. This habit can be hard at first, but you will find yourself automatically making efforts to practice it with constant practice. Your efforts will also be rewarded with the big savings that can you can observe. To know more energy-saving tips, consider talking to local authorities and learning more valuable information online.

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