10-Step Guide To Install Humidifier In Furnace

10-Step Guide To Install Humidifier In Furnace

The humidifier has an evaporator pad to run the water pan. The warm air plenum is used to by-pass the warm air and force through the evaporator pad. The air is returned to the cold duct which leads to the base of the furnace.

Here’s a tip from top furnace maintenance services in Calgary:  Identify the return duct and see which side allows best access for maintenance and installation. You must install the humidifier to make sure any water leakage could not damage the walls and other things.

For installation, follow these tips proposedDistinct Hvac Services that offer best furnace repair in Calgary:

  1. Apply Humidifier Template

Typically, the installation is about 14 inch.

  • Mark points for screw holes where it must be fasten to the duct.
  • Drill holes through humidifier template and the metal sheet of return duct.
  • Cut a rectangular opening using tin snips, for humidifier.
  1. Install the humidifier
  • Let humidifier properly sit in the slots. Screw it from the back, through the keyholes.
  • Use level to see if the humidifier has been placed properly.
  • Tighten the screws to secure it to the duct.
  • According to the furnace maintenance service Calgary, motor unit must be installed inside the case according to instructions.
  1. Install the collar
  • With the help of points marked in step-1, you need to center the air take-off collar.
  • Mark inside zone and fastening holes of the collar.
  • Cut an opening for the collar in round shape and drill fastening holes.
  • Now, fasten it to the duct using screws
  1. Install the flexible duct
  • Cut the duct in such a way that it doesn’t sag then slide it on the collar.
  • Secure the duct with the help of plastic pins in between reinforced wires.
  • Do the same process where humidifier has been secured.
  1. Install automatic valve for water
  • Open the holeremoving the knock-out and fasten the valve using the hardware provided.
  • Install float at the back of the valve lever, housing and float arm
  • In the humidifier, slide in the pan at the back of the unit.
  • Insert side tabs in the holes along the sides of humidifier.
  • Push the water pan down in the side of the unit to snap the tabs
  1. Connect the unit with the water supply
  • Slip the plastic compression nut over the tubing and rubber sleeve.
  • Fit the brass inserts into the end of the tubing.
  • Push the tubing into the automatic valve,
  • Tighten the compression nut.
  1. Install supply valve
  • Slip one brass compression nut onto the plastic tube
  • Fit the second insert into the top of the tube.
  • Push the tube absolutely into the availability valve
  1. Install the drum and adjust the water level
  • The flat-end of the drum shaft should be fitted into the motor.
  • The other end will snap into the center of the collar
  1. Install humidistat and transformer
  • Fasten the humidistat to the duct and install control knob temporarily.
  • Follow instructions manual while wiring the control to power supply and motor
  1. Start and adjust

After starting the humidifier, you hear a click. You need to check the following

  • Water supply tube
  • Water level in the pan
  • Float should completely close the automatic valve
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